Everything you need to know about the UAE

Since arriving here, I have been totally overwhelmed with the amount of things you dont know (and cant find information about) prior to embarking on an adventure of this kind. Once here, the secrets are revealed. A few useful resources I have come across that will help any bright-eyed and busy tailed new arrival as well as those planning a grand adventure to the land of dates, camels and lots of sand.

The Gulf News – Residence Guide

Explorer Guides
These guides are a little out of date, can only be purchased here it seems and their website is terrible but the information within has proved to be very helpful.

Important Documents and Carry On

Important and original documents should be carried in your carry on luggage, not carried in your suitcases. Important documents include passports, visa copies, marriage and birth certificates, pet documentation, etc. For more information on important documents click here.

We recommend you carry one to two days’ worth of clothing and toiletries in your carry on luggage in case luggage is lost en route or if you experience unexpected delays.


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